Vail Symposium: YIMBY Jamboree

Vail Symposium: YIMBY Jamboree


March 16, 2023    
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Type


YIMBY (/ˈyimbē/)
noun, informal
Definition: A person who supports new development in the area where they live, typically in order to increase the availability of housing.

In August 2017, Vail Symposium hosted a two-day, three-session program discussing how to create a healthy community through workforce housing. Fast forward five and a half years and the discussion is still ongoing. Though strides have been made to combat the idea of NIMBYism in the valley, the fact remains that housing is still a critical issue facing our valley. It has become clear that there is no magic bullet and that we can’t build our way out of the housing crisis–there’s not enough land or money–but other communities that are similar in size, demographic and reliance on tourism have begun to make strides.

This panel discussion brings together local housing experts as well as experts from other resort areas to discuss how they have begun to solve the housing crisis. They will discuss the critical role elected officials play in resolving the housing crisis as well as programs and solutions that have started moving the needle. Vail Valley Partnership President and CEO Chris Romer will moderate.

Presented in partnership with Vail Valley Partnership.