Local experts Julie Kiddoo, Kevin Roop, and Michael Brand share their wisdom during a wellness panel presented by SpeakUp ReachOut and moderated by Erin Ivie.
Julie Kiddoo is the founder of Revolution Power Yoga in Avon. She is the author of Bye-Polar, an autobiography of her journey through her own mental health struggles and the healing she found along the way. Julie will share what helped and what didn’t on her wellness journey. Each participant will receive a free copy of her book Bye-Polar.
Kevin Roop is a SpeakUp ReachOut Board member and Nutrition Coach. Kevin will share nutrition tips for overall wellness.
Michael Brand is Training Coordinator for All Points North. He will share an introduction to the Positivity and Relaxation Series with a focus on managing stress, increasing resilience and promoting positivity.
Erin Ivie is the Executive Director of SpeakUp ReachOut. She will moderate the panel and discuss coping cards for wellness.
This is event is held at Colorado Mountain College and free to attend.