GoPro Mountain Games 2024 Day 2: Here to Celebrate Your Stories

When someone says “Mountain Games” what is the first thing that comes to your mind? What about Mountain Games makes you smile? What is your favorite summer activity?

GoPro mountain games

The Covered Bridge team at GoPro Mountain Games.

As we paddle, summit, descend, flow, eat, try new things, meet new people, discover new brands and frolic through Vail Village, every human is having a different experience. Chatting with the people of GoPro Mountain Games today encouraged me to understand that Mountain Games not only creates unity, but also foster individuality. This event drives families — both biological and not — to travel from all over the world to celebrate all the things the mountains give to us. One elderly German man’s demeanor and easeful jaunt accross the Covered Bridge conveyed he was obviously proud and happy to be here. Although our dialogue was brief, he said, “I don’t understand much English, but it is beautiful here.” Our communication proves that despite language barriers, the beauty of this weekend transcends words and brings joy to all.

I spoke with kids and adults alike from Florida, Michigan, Durango, North Dakota, Grand Junction, Massachusetts and Denver who all shared the excitement they get from being a member of the Mountain Games community.

“Not many events are this well-organized and have this much going on,” says mountain biking athlete, Liz. “Most bike races [take place] and do nothing after. And [here] I get to go watch kayaking, slackline and watch other athletes. That is really exciting. Everyone is just happy doing their thing.”

The kid, and kids’ ski instructor, in me loves speaking with child spectators. Every little human is digesting many things in this world for the first time. Hockey and soccer enthusiast, Sage, is an Edwards local. He explained that he looks up to the athletes. When I asked him what his favorite part about Mountain Games is, he confidently said: “Watching people who have courage to come here and [compete] in front of all these people.”

GoPro mountain games

Vail Village’s Covered Bridge

This weekend is also about the locals and their stories, training and work ethic. Connor, a small business owner, shared how Mountain Games is a testament to this.

“This is a great place to be,” Connor explained. “But, when you work as hard as you do out here, and you make the money that you do, you play your cards right and you are able to go out camping and stuff for a month at a time during your off season, that is one of the best things to do out here.”

Keep on climbing your way through GoPro Mountain Games throughout the weekend. No matter how you got here, there’s something magical for everyone to experience together.