Lindsea Stowe
Co-Owner of Two Arrows Coffee | Bar in Vail
“Establishing depth has always been a means of understanding and adding meaning. It has been an innate drive behind all of my passions. With both coffee and yoga, there is a deep curiosity to hold a full understanding and connect with the origins. Coffee has never just been about the delicious morning beverage but understanding where it came from geographically and connecting to all the hands that helped it to get here. Yoga past the physical practice became a means to add context to life. It’s a tool to see reality more clearly and, in turn, have deeper connections within all my relationships. Depth to me is what adds richness to life.”
Grant Smith
Co-Owner of Riverwalk Theater in Edwards
“My thoughts on depth can be split into two general paths. One relating to being a physical measurement that can be viewed, touched or seen. Something that is tangible or evident if you are curious or paying attention. This depth is a measurement of the past. Something that can be recorded with the right tools and skills. Something we should all think about and understand. The second path relates to a less tangible and more subjective interpretation. Depth as it relates to commitment, quality and growth. Depth in this sense of the word is more subjective and less static. It’s relative to where you are viewing the creation or easing of depth from. This is active depth creation with real by-products. Good and bad.”
Rocio (Coco) Andrade
The Cycle Effect Board Member
“Like the autumn colors, you can only see the changes in the leaves, but what holds the tree standing are the roots keeping it strong and grounded. As a child of immigrant parents, I have found the depth of my roots in my culture, family, food and the relationships I have built in my community. Building intense connections with others has contributed to who I am. As a board member of The Cycle Effect, I want young girls to know that they don’t have to leave their roots to become who they want to be and always remember que, ¡Si se puede!”