Before heading outside to enjoy your favorite sport this winter, be sure to prepare your body for what’s to come and have a plan for how you’ll recover. Use conditioning and cross-training to give yourself the best chance to make the most of fun in every season. Whatever your preferred winter sport, stay at the top of your game by incorporating strength training and yoga into your fitness routine.
Start from where you are, which may mean using only body weight or doing an isometric hold before incorporating weights or adding movement. For example, before doing squats or lunges, be sure you can comfortably hold in a wall sit for 45 seconds. Per John Mark Seelig at GOAT Training in Edwards, Colorado, a great way to warm up, strengthen the feet and build reaction in the ankles is to jump rope for one minute.
Strengthening the muscles used most in your chosen activity will give you better control and allow you to stay at it longer.
• Improved endurance
• Better form
• Muscular strength to support the joints
• Prepare the body to move in different planes and react quickly
• Improved flexibility
• More body awareness
• A durable, injury-resistant body
• Ability to recover more quickly
Single Leg Deadlift
Photos courtesy of Carrie Lehtonen
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Shift your weight to your right leg with a slight bend in your knee. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your hips, palms facing your body. With your core engaged, lower the dumbbells along your right leg, while lifting your left leg behind you, keeping your hips square. Stop when you feel a stretch in your hamstrings or the dumbbells are at shin height. Return to the starting position. Repeat eight to 12 times and then switch sides. Tip: Do this movement without weights first to practice hinging at the hips while keeping your shoulders and hips parallel to the floor. Without weights, reach your arms in front of you as you hinge forward and your leg goes back, then release your arms to your sides as you lift back up. You can also place one hand against a wall for support. Another option for this pose is to use a kettlebell in the same hand as your standing leg.
Plank Pose
From downward-facing dog pose, bring your shoulders forward over your wrists with your hips in line with your shoulders. Avoid dropping your hips too low or lifting them too high and pull your navel to your spine. Press the floor away with your hands and protract your shoulder blades while broadening your collar bones. Engage your legs by pressing out through your heels. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute. If this pose bothers your wrists, bring your forearms to the floor with your elbows under your shoulders.
Side-Lying Leg Lifts
Lie on your side propped on your forearm, bend the knee of the top leg and place your foot flat on the floor in front of the bottom leg. Lift your bottom leg towards the ceiling, pause and then lower the leg. Repeat the movement 10 to 15 times and then switch sides.
Drangon Pose
From all fours, step your right foot forward into a lunge and stretch your left leg behind you. You may want a blanket or rolled-up yoga mat under your left knee. Be sure that any weight in the left leg is on the fleshy part of your knee (above the kneecap) rather than directly on the kneecap. Bring your hands to the floor or use a yoga block under each hand on either side of your front foot at whatever height allows you to feel a stretch in the front of your left hip. You could also bring your hands up onto your right thigh. Bring your right foot further forward for more sensation, or closer to you for less. Hold for three to five minutes, then shift your hips back while straightening your front leg. Flex your toes towards you and pull your heel back. Switch sides and hold for the same amount of time. When you have completed both sides, lie on your back with your arms and legs out straight for a few breaths.
Cat Pulling Its Tail Pose
Lie on the floor on your right side. Bend your left knee and bring it out in front of you in line with your hip (either bent or you can straighten the leg). Prop your head on your right hand, bend your right knee and reach your left hand back to grab your right foot. You can use a strap around your foot if you can’t reach it. Stay propped on your hand or lean your torso to the right until you can bring your back to the floor. Hold for three to five minutes, then let go of your right foot, roll back onto your stomach and bring your left leg back behind you. Repeat on the other side for the same amount of time. After completing both sides, lie on your stomach with your head resting on stacked hands for a few breaths.
Dragonfly Pose
Sit on the floor with your legs in a wide V-shape in front of you. If your pelvis rocks back, causing you to round in your upper back, bring a folded blanket under your sit bones so that you have a neutral position of your pelvis. Start to walk your hands forward between your legs while folding at your hips until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings and inner legs. Rest your hands in front of you, or you can rest your forearms or your head on yoga blocks. Hold for three to five minutes, then use your hands to walk your torso back up. Use your hands behind your knees to bend one knee at a time and bring your legs back together. Lie down on your back with your arms by your sides, your knees bent with your feet planted to the edges of your mat and let your knees fall into each other for a few breaths.
After completing the poses, spend a minute or two lying on your back in savasana (corpse pose) with your arms and legs straight before moving on with your day. Don’t forget to incorporate rest days to allow your body to recover. Cross-training and rest will help you stay active and injury-free. Enjoy the season!
Visit the coaches at GOAT Training in Edwards for programs that include strength, conditioning and cardiovascular work. You can learn more at
To experience a variety of yoga classes, including vinyasa, hatha, sculpt and gentle yoga, check out the class schedule at Yoga Off Broadway in Eagle.
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