Flip to page 34 in this issue and you can read a local’s perspective on mountain biking Two Elk trail, one of the Vail Valley’s most notable rides. Jennifer Weintraub writes on experiencing the trail in three distinct ways — when she shared the article and her photos with us we, knew her capture of her friend Lauren Rust cruising through the alpine meadow was our cover.
“We had just started the descent on the Two Elk trail through Vail’s Back Bowls,” shares Weintraub. “It was a warm summer day in early July and the hillside was bursting with wildflowers. The colors were so vibrant that I had to stop and capture the view with Mount of the Holy Cross in the background. While the guys charged the downhill, Lauren slowed down so I could snap a few shots through the flowers.”
Weintraub says she loves capturing beauty in the world. It’s the dramatic landscapes, bold colors, unique destination and authentic people, she says, that inspire her to stop and bottle the scene into one memorable image.
“It’s these moments that light me up — both the adventure and the perfect shot,” she adds. “I hope my photography inspires others to get outside, travel further and to be inquisitive and respectful of the world.”